Mural Project Review

1) Some things I could take pictures of around the school with my group are firstly, maybe people's backpacks, how they are different and what their backpack shows about them. Another thing could be a certain type of shape or color. For example, possibly a circle, diamond or a different color like neon green, yellow, or pink. The last thing we could shoot is maybe different and unique cars around campus and in Austin.

2) Three things I will have to think about while shooting is, Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed. These three things can effect my photograph by the right lighting and if it's grainy or not. IF my shutter speed, ISO and aperture are not correct the photo can turn out wrong or bad.

3) Three ideas I have that can go online are, first, an online graphic creator, like Piktochart that can create a creative mural online along with the photos we took. Another way is creating a google slideshow to show the pictures with music, colors and graphics. The last way is to simply take a picture of the mural we created on paper and upload it onto the internet.


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