Oscars Selfie: Top 100 Photos

Oscars Selfie

1. I chose this photograph because it looked very happy to be and emotional because they are at the Oscars and some of them may have one an Oscar. What caught my eye was truly the pop of color and happiness of the photo. Even though this photo might not be the best photo because it is very blurry and busy, it shows clear emotion.

2. What I read about the photo was the camera that was used and it was actually a phone, a Samsung, that was in the mode "selfie moment." It also talked briefly of the names of the celebrities in the photo as well as Ellen DeGeneres posting it on Twitter which was retweeted over 3 million times resulting in the photo becoming famous.

3. This photo was considered a "legendary" photograph because of the setting and people.
This photo was originally meant for a advertising photo for Samsung. Ellen DeGeneres used the phone for a stunt and it created the most famous photograph during the year of 2014.

4. I could not find a photograph from Bradley Cooper, the person who took this photo because he isn't a known photographer, he is an actor.

5. The photographer of the photo, Bradley Cooper was born on January 5, 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He went to Georgetown University in the late 1990s and then went to enroll in the Masters of Fine Arts program at the Actors Studio Drama School at New School University.


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