
Showing posts from November, 2018

Day in the Life photos


Four Websites

Image The website displayed many different locations of people who are shot by professional photographers or family members. It also showed Photo resolutions that you can achieve in the new year. a. I chose this photo because I loved how the photographer made it look so in-depth and I love the look of the mountains and the person, it just looks so simple. This also shows how beautiful the landscape is and it really just caught my eye because of the mountains. b. The rules of photography I see in this photo are balance and depth. c. I think who took this photo was a loved one who captured the moment or the self timer on the camera that was set on a tripod. a. I learned how to make a long exposure landscape photo and a forced perspective photo using good background objects and places. b. I can use these tips with different prompt shoots and possibly my...

Prompt Shoot #3

Pause Connected Footprints Pose

Magazine Part 2

Magazines Cover Types: The attribution of the Image based is to simply get a idea out or even to talk about a person or place. The Illustrated covers show a good artistic way of expressing something instead of taking a picture. The Type based covers try to get a message across to readers telling them something they should know. The concept based covers can also get a message across whether it is strong, funny or shocking. The relationships between words and pictures is they both say a different story in a completely different way.

Best Covers

Best Entertainment and Celebrity 1. Formal 2. Environmental 3. Formal 4. Environmental 5. Informal 6. Informal Best Service and Lifestyle  7. Informal  8. Environmental  9. Environmental  10. Formal 11. Formal  Best Sports and Fitness 12. Formal  13. Environmental  14. Formal  15. Formal  16. Environmental  17. Informal  Best Fashion and Beauty 18. Formal  19. Formal  20. Formal  21. Formal  22. Informal  Reader's Choice awards  23. Environmental  24. Formal  25. Environmental  26. Formal 

My favorite cover

"The beauty and fashion industries have been too white for too long. By celebrating a range of underrepresented skin tones on our cover, it was our hope to move the needle in the beauty world, to redefine what beauty means. It’s vital to acknowledge that there is no one definition of beauty—and here at Allure, we are overdue. The response was overwhelming: both long-time readers and women who had never connected with Allure before told us how much our April issue meant to them. The needle, in a meaningful way, had moved." Critique:  This photograph is a great way to express how wrong it is to discriminate between beauty. The title of "The Beauty of Diversity" is great because it relates very well to the photo and the story or description. In the quote it says, "the fashion industries have been too white for too long" and I personally agree. I don't really like the captions to the side that do not relate to the story at all, but that is magazin...

Magazine tips

5 things you should think about when designing a magazine cover: 1. Familiar recognition from cover to cover 2. Emotionally irrestiable (image's appeal) 3. Arrousing curiosity 4. Itellectually stimulating or interesting 5. Efficient and fast, easy to scan

Self Portraits and Portraits

1. Framing is a technique where by you draw attention to one element of an image by framing it with another element of the image. 2.  Use your imagination! A self-portrait can reveal a lot about you, by including props and even other people that are meaningful in your life. If you've never attempted to shoot a self-portrait, expand your creative horizons and give it a try.  3.  Most portraits are taken with the camera at (or around) the eye level of the subject. While this is good common sense – completely changing the angle that you shoot from can give your portrait a real WOW factor.  4. What I like about the picture below is the lights with the fire because it really just caught my eye and there is nothing boring about this photo. I chose this because it really made me joyful looking at it because of the bright light.  5. What I like about this photo to the left is the main focus of the sparks in the background as well as a dreary overall theme bu...