Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Some of the main points of the pictures are the photographers are making the people look "prettier" and "more attractive". Some photographers are also adding people to the photos to make the photo show more diversity and in one photo they made the man look "darker" and "menacing".

B.  The photoshop policies made the big name newspaper brands have a philosophy because they think sometimes the camera may not accommodate the correct settings so they rely on their memory to enhance the photograph. They do however believe that they have specific policies regarding the alternation of photos. They do not alternate body shapes or skin tone which is going over the line regarding the policies.

C. Some acceptable things I think you can do the photo is maybe change the lighting, tone, or background color because the camera did not capture the colorwell so you can alternate those type of things. What I believe you shouldn't do is change the persons body, face, or skin tone. That is exceeding over the persons rights and the photographer has not been given permission to do that to the photo.

D. This photo above is most unethical because it I personally think it is the most photoshopped body shape wise and they altered her skin tone. The photographer clearly exceeded the line because I am not sure if he/she had permission to do this to the photo. Changing the way someone looks is very cruel because you think they aren't attractive enough because they are not "skinny", and it violates a lot of rights.

E. This photo below I think is ethical. I think this because no person is involved in this photo and it isn't violating anyones personal rights. I say that it doesn't invade anyones rights because no persons body shape is changing or skin tone. The photo is however photoshopped to make it look more graphic and compelling.


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