Abandoned Theme Parks (Extra Credit)

1. I would go and shoot at Six Flags in New Orleans. I would go here because it looks very interesting and creepy. I think it would be interesting to shoot here because there are probably very unusual things going on and you never know if that could be something great to capture.

2.Image result for six flags new orleans abandoned


  • Aquarium 
  • Abandoned school
  • Abandoned Hospital
  • Old park
  • Abandoned shopping Mall 

Image result for abandoned shopping mall

5. Shooting at a abandoned shopping mall would be interesting because I think it is creepy and cool to see stores that are usually popular empty and with nothing in it. You could shoot here because as seen inn the picture many seasons can occur and it would be a cool contrast between the building and the seasons.

6. It would take a lot to go and shoot at an abandoned mall. I say this because I do not know of any abandoned malls in Austin or in the surrounding areas. I would have to get a camera, plan my trip to an abandoned mall, and first research where I can go. It seems like a lot and it is but I can probably do it with the correct equipment and time. For the laws I would have to consider I would probably be passing private property and I don't want to get in trouble for that.


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