Selfies vs. Self Portraits

1. A selfie is a picture that you take yourself using your phone or in some cases a camera. To determine whether the photo is a "selfie" is a picture taken by yourself. It is usually taken with a smartphone and then posted on social media.
2. A self-portrait is a portrait of an artist thats an representation taken through photographs, or painted.
3. Yes there is a difference. The difference is that a selfie is taken by you, you held the camera and took a photo of yourself. A self portrait is someone taking a photo or painting you.
4. I prefer selfies because they are quick and easy and you can take them with your phone. Also, when you are on vacation and want to capture the moment of you on a mountain or on teh beach you can do that easy by yourself.
5. I think that self portraits are more valuable because they are a more signified and mature way of taking a photo or painting someone else.


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