
Showing posts from October, 2018

American Soldier

A. I think the most powerful photo is this one because Ian is in the middle of his training  and he had an earlier injury that he did not tell the Military about which is costing him.  B. The images work well together because they all contribute to the story of Ian through the years from when he was training to when he was deployed in Iraq. This also shows the hardships of what he went through that tie into the overall theme.  C. The captions enhance the photos because they tell a better in depth story of what Ian is going through. The images do tell a good story but they don't fully explain the whole problem.  D.  Ian Fisher applied to the military and went there right after high school graduation hoping to eventually get deployed in Iraq. Ian was battling a elbow injury during his training and it hurt him terribly through the days. His basic training was happening through June of 2007 and he deployed to Iraq in September of 2008. Fisher went through...

Ethics in Fashion Photography

Video 1: The few things they changed in photoshop is they lowered the models eyebrows to make her eyes look bigger and bolder, they made her lips bigger, and made her neck longer.  They also darkened her hair with dark hues. Video 2: In this video the changes made to the models body was, they made her eyes a lot bigger, her legs longer as well as her feet, her waist more slim, and her neck longer. They also made her skin more tan in the beginning and in photoshop they made her skin lighter and looked like it had more glow. Video 3: The changes that were made was that they started out by making her less skinny and without abs then made her have an orange hue with spots acting like cheese. They then made her swimsuit into pepperoni and erased her face completely. They then made her wider as the shape of a pizza and therefore made her into a slice of pizza. Questions: 4. I think it is not ethnically acceptable to change the appearance of a person just because they aren't cut ou...

Funny Captions

85 year old ex wife, Agnes Newton is at the grocery store at 12pm  just after going to garage sales and buying unnecessary stuff she does not need, for example this sweatshirt. Agnes loves to go to garage sales every Saturday by herself, she probably has about 100 different types of garden gnomes and plastic flamingoes.  Two Grandmas, Betty and Sue Johnson are just now getting back from Bunco on their scooters at around 6pm on this Friday evening both wearing corresponding fur coats. Bunco took about four hours and Betty and Sue lost the prize so they deciding to award themselves for losing and decided to buy expensive $30 coats. Bernice Goldberg is currently playing Wii sports which she clearly does not know how to play. Bernice loves to be involved with all of the kid and teen activities even if that means embarrassing her grandkids. Bernice loves her grandkids very much, but her grandkids sometimes don't love her because of trying to "fit" in. 

Composition II

Lines/Leading Lines Depth Rule of Thirds Balance Symmetry Viewpoint Background Framing Cropping Mergers

Prompt Shoot #2

Cold, Balance Electric, Simplicity Purple, Rule of Thirds

Mural Project Review

1) Some things I could take pictures of around the school with my group are firstly, maybe people's backpacks, how they are different and what their backpack shows about them. Another thing could be a certain type of shape or color. For example, possibly a circle, diamond or a different color like neon green, yellow, or pink. The last thing we could shoot is maybe different and unique cars around campus and in Austin. 2) Three things I will have to think about while shooting is, Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speed. These three things can effect my photograph by the right lighting and if it's grainy or not. IF my shutter speed, ISO and aperture are not correct the photo can turn out wrong or bad. 3) Three ideas I have that can go online are, first, an online graphic creator, like Piktochart that can create a creative mural online along with the photos we took. Another way is creating a google slideshow to show the pictures with music, colors and graphics. The last way is to sim...

Pillars of Creation: Top 100 Photos

1. I chose this photo because it is so fascinating and colorful. It caught my eye because it is just so cool and interesting because I never really seen anything like this before. 2. The Hubble Space craft took this photo as well as many other space photos. The description also explains that this was taken 6,500 light years from Earth and this star is called the Eagle Nebula in the constellation of Serpens Cauda. 3. These towering tendrils of cosmic dust and gas sit at the heart of M16, or the Eagle Nebula. The aptly named Pillars of Creation, featured in this stunning Hubble image, are part of an active star-forming region within the nebula and hide newborn stars in their wispy columns. Although this is not Hubble’s first image of this iconic feature of the Eagle Nebula, it is the most detailed. The blue colors in the image represent oxygen, red is sulfur, and green represents both nitrogen and hydrogen. The pillars are bathed in the scorching ultraviolet light from a cluster o...

99 Cent: Top 100 Photos

1. I chose this photo because of the all the colors and that it is in a simple 99 Cent store. What caught my eye is the colors of the candy. 2. In this photo it is talked a lot about all of the stuff busily organized in one store with floating shopper's heads. It is also talked about how ironic it is that in a 99 Cent store it is one of the most expensive photos ever sold. This is because of the photographer's point, he wanted this to be portrayed. The German architect and photographer used digital manipulation to turn everyday experiences into interesting art. 3. Further in formation on this photo is  he uses this two-part photograph to depict a regular supermarket with colorful goods to beautiful work. This photo was taken in 1999. This photo costs up to $3.34 million dollars in many auctions.  4. 5. Andreas Gursky was born on January 15, 1955 in Leipzig Germany. He went to  Universität Gesamthochschule Essen  from 1978 to 1981. 

Oscars Selfie: Top 100 Photos

1. I chose this photograph because it looked very happy to be and emotional because they are at the Oscars and some of them may have one an Oscar. What caught my eye was truly the pop of color and happiness of the photo. Even though this photo might not be the best photo because it is very blurry and busy, it shows clear emotion. 2. What I read about the photo was the camera that was used and it was actually a phone, a Samsung, that was in the mode "selfie moment." It also talked briefly of the names of the celebrities in the photo as well as Ellen DeGeneres posting it on Twitter which was retweeted over 3 million times resulting in the photo becoming famous. 3. This photo was considered a "legendary" photograph because of the setting and people. This photo was originally meant for a advertising photo for Samsung. Ellen DeGeneres used the phone for a stunt and it created the most famous photograph during the year of 2014. 4. I could not find a photograph fr...

The Babe Bows Out: Top 100 Photos

1. I chose this photo because I have always been very intrigued in sports history and sports in general. What caught my eye is the famous Babe Ruth in the center saying goodbye to his beloved sport and the framing that was used with the number 3.  and I wanted to learn more about that. This photo is also very god for it being 1948. Th equality is very clean and the background is blurred out. 2. What I read was about why he is bowing down to baseball. Ruth had terminal cancer and even at his weakest points he was there to retire his jersey number and celebrate the silver anniversary of Yankee Stadium. The photographer is talked about being behind him while he walks out leaning on his famous bat. 3. This photo is about how Babe Ruth is struggling from terminal cancer which he died two moths after he was on the field of Yankee Stadium. The photographer, Nat Fien captured this on June 13th, 1948 and further on won a Pulitzer Prize for his picture. 4. 5. Nat Fien was a America...

Mohammed Ali vs Sonny Liston: Top 100 Photos

4.  1. I chose this photo because so much emotion is being shown and it almost gives me chills because of what is happening. What caught my eye is how Mohammed Ali reacted when he defeated Sonny Liston. 2. What I read was mainly about how Mohammed Ali snatched the title from Sonny Liston and the environment of the anticipated match-up. The photographer, Neil Leifer, captured this moment in 1965 and the description explained the perfect times he could've shot the photos. One moment when it was one minute into the fight, Ali went for a punch aiming for his chin and had Liston on the ground. That was the main photo Leifer had captured. 3. Information I have gathered is mostly about the anticipated fight against the two rivals. This boxing fight was for the World Heavyweight Championship. This fight was one of the most controversial and most watched sporting event in sport's history. The first fight was in February of 1964 in Miami, Florida where Mohammed Ali won the match whe...

Abandoned Theme Parks (Extra Credit)

1. I would go and shoot at Six Flags in New Orleans. I would go here because it looks very interesting and creepy. I think it would be interesting to shoot here because there are probably very unusual things going on and you never know if that could be something great to capture. 2. 3. Aquarium  Abandoned school Abandoned Hospital Old park Abandoned shopping Mall  4. 5. Shooting at a abandoned shopping mall would be interesting because I think it is creepy and cool to see stores that are usually popular empty and with nothing in it. You could shoot here because as seen inn the picture many seasons can occur and it would be a cool contrast between the building and the seasons. 6. It would take a lot to go and shoot at an abandoned mall. I say this because I do not know of any abandoned malls in Austin or in the surrounding areas. I would have to get a camera, plan my trip to an abandoned mall, and first research where I can go. It seems like a lot and it is b...

Africa (Extra Credit)

1. My reaction and thoughts are scattered throughout the article. I say this because they are all so moving and have a story with each photo once you look at it. All of the photos are black and white and show they way of life of each animal in a different way that is shown so cleanly. In Africa poaching is a big thing and it is clearly illegal, but it make Africans so much money they keep killing animals for their benefit. 2. 3. This photo is this female lion with another lion in front of the beautiful Mount Kilimanjaro. This is my favorite because it shows the beauty of Africa and how you shouldn't take the beauty away from these magical animals. 4. The rules in this photo are Rule of Thirds because the lions are on the sides of the photos and it is balanced with the mountain. Another rule is balance. This is balance because there is nothing busy happening in the photo, it is just really simple. 5. The type of lens Brandt uses is three- fixed lenses which include a, 55mm...